Resurrected archives

I pulled a dump of the old forums off of 's server and dumped it into a database on one of my servers at work. I spent a little time pulling some of the posts out of it and putting them into this method of blogging. Unfortunately, there was really no way to pull the comments too, so on most of the ones that actually had comments I have just posted a link at the top to the old thread.

I think I have pretty much made the thing visible, but unpostable, so if you want to go back and read some of the randomness that we used to have you can do it at:

your old accounts and password should still work, but again I don't think anything should be postable, just readable.

Things are showing their age on there though. A lot of the picture links are busted. When I have been changing them here I have been trying to update the links and stuff so that it will work. I still have so more to go through, but it has done a decent job of filling in a big gap in this. It also was nice to go back and see how many of my friends used to read and comment on stuff. It was pretty cool.

I had also forgotten that it wasn't that long ago that I stopped using that. There are comments on there about us getting the and stuff and it just seems that I had already switched over to this by then, but I guess not.

It also sucked a little in that there are comments on there from Joe and it makes you remember when he was on there posting stuff and talking about stuff. Just makes you kind of feel sad. It also makes you think about traces of people going on after they are gone. It is possible that things like this very post could be out there long after I am gone, which is similar to diaries and journals and stuff. This seems a little better for actual storage though.

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