and St. Jude Charities

While Pauline and I were watching the Colbert Report the other night he had a guest on speaking about the charity and how 10 dollars would deliver a net to people in Africa so that they could sleep without getting bitten by mosquitoes and is an effort to stop the spread of malaria.

Pauline and I decided that was a very worthwhile donation to make since they are a funded charity and all of the donation goes to getting the nets out there.  None of it is used for “administrative” costs.

We also donate to St. Jude Children’s Hospital as well.  It is a hospital near here and there are often times segments on shows talking about all the great work that they do for kids who have awful illnesses.  The amazing thing is that no family at St. Jude has to pay a medical bill and that is truly amazing.

If you have a chance please think about donating something to either or both of these causes.  These charities may not have Bono or P Diddy (or whatever his name is now) talking about them, but they are perhaps better for it in my opinion.

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One Response to and St. Jude Charities

  1. The reputation that St. Jude Children’s Hospital has is one that is well-maintained. They have continued to stick to their structure of working on treating certain illnesses in children, and their no-fee policy sends a positive message.

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