What our soldiers are missing

I occationally receive messages from a former high school friend of mine that is currently serving in IRAQ. This last message, summing up 2007, really touched my heart. He said that of the 365 days of 2007, only 48 of them was spent with his wife and family. I have put his message here to share with the other people I know lucky enough not to be in IRAQ.

As you read this, you see that he is missing important time with his smallest son, he has a sick child that he has to worry about and can’t take care of and that his wife is having to look after 3 children, 1 toddler, 1 sick child and 1 other all by herself. I also find it somewhat humbling that he closes by hoping for better things for everyone else in the coming year.

Happy New Year everyone. The one thing that is always a challenge, exciting and disappointing, about the new year is when you reflect back to what you did and what happened during the past 365 days. I have to say it was a decent year for myself, some ups but sadly alot of downs as well. The biggest thing I am happy about is I am still alive, which can be more of a challenge in this place then normal. I made some great friends over here, something that I do not think I would have accomplished if I would have been in the states. But as I said above the bad things out weigh the good by a good portion. Of the 365 days this year has I spent only 48 with my wife and children, this is probably the worst part of the year 2007. I have missed a good protion of them growing up and many first in Andrews case. The little bugger is up and running now (much to the agravation of Kara) and has grown like a weed. When you look at the guy it is hard to believe that he was a 4.5 pound baby. Mikayla seems to be doing better with her seizures. She has not had a full blown seizure for several months now, so I hope that reflects the new medicines are working for her. Xavier is getting taller and lankier and still a little goof ball. Kara has probably gained some gray hair from this experience, poor girl I will have to buy her some dye when I get home :). In closing I would like to say Happy New Year, I hope 2007 treated you well and that 2008 treats you better

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