Laura and Ethan Zuhl’s Wedding

A couple of weeks ago Pauline and I headed down to Nashville for Laura and Ethan’s wedding.  Ethan had ask me to be a groomsman so we got there for the rehersal and dinner afterwards.

It was great to be there and see people from college that I hadn’t seen in a while.  It was also great to meet other people that were involved in Ethan and Laura’s life that I had never met before.  Everyone got along great and had a wonderful time at the dinner, and I think I can say that we even had a pretty good time at the rehersal too.

Pauline and I slept at Ethan’s house that night rather than drive back home and spent time time with Ethan and his brother just hanging out.  We made fun of a couple different movies that happened to be on and just kind of relaxed.

The next day we spent some time at Opry Mills in the morning and then headed back to the church.  We were supposed to be there really early so that they could take pictures or something, but for the most part we ended up just hanging out and goofing off.  Joking around before the wedding keep everyone smiling and Ethan from getting too stressed.

The wedding was great and went off without a hitch.  Perhaps one of the nicest, relaxed weddings I have been to.  After the wedding the wedding party took pictures and then rode in a Trolly Car to the reception.  Pauline caught a ride with some of the family that was going over there.

The reception was also relaxed and did a great job of moving through the various steps, without ever really having a lull, but also allowing plenty of time for everyone to mingle and have a good time.  They had a live band and Laura’s dad even got up at one point and played a few songs with them.  The music, the atmosphere and the company was just great and everyone seemed to have smiles all night.  The bridesmaid that I walked out at the end of the wedding, Ashley, had her camera and said she would get me the pictures.  I also talked with Ethan about getting the Wedding Photographer’s shots too.  Right now I just have Ashley’s so that is what I am going to post, but if I get the others, I will add them too.


Above are some pictures of people that I went to college with. P was wearing her glasses because the next Monday she had lasik.  The toast picture shows just my arm (which probably isn’t a bad thing) and sadly covers P’s face.  The girl that isn’t P in the two pictures is Ashley.


A couple different pictures of some of the bridesmaids and Laura


Pictures of the happy couple and a good one of Laura’s dress.

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