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- How to force a .msi to install: skip OS check? - General [M]ayhem on Orca MSI Editor
- Microsoft Camera Codec Pack for Windows 10 64-bit - Microsoft Community on Orca MSI Editor
- win xp virtualizzato, mklink on Orca MSI Editor
- Das Lumix-Forum - der neue Treffpunkt für alle Panasonic Lumix-Nutzer • Thema anzeigen - Windows camera codec pack für win 10 on Orca MSI Editor
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Tag Archives: msi
Macromedia Shockwave MST for machine installs
Macromedia has an MSI out for Shockwave installs which is great if you use AD to push applications. The only bad thing is that because of some poor setups on their part it won’t install on a per machine install … Continue reading
Orca MSI Editor
I had to use a program that Microsoft puts out for free today. It is called orca and it can be used to edit MSIs at the database level. It is a good tool, but to get it you have … Continue reading
Blog Dump
Sorry. Apparently I slipped back to my ways of not posting much. Ok lets see… where to start: