Tag Archives: Brent

More Julie Pics and additions to the sidebar

I uploaded some new pictures of Julie from this spring. Julie’s First Spring Some of my favorites: There are also some new quick ways to get to the pictures.  On the right there are some new blocks.  The first one … Continue reading

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Be most you are Engrish today!

It seems like here at work we have quite a little collection of Engrish examples. Lamar brought this one in the other day and I thought I would share. Engrish Remote Manual

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Even more pictures of Julie

I hadn’t gotten around to cleaning off the camera when I posted the last big mess of pictures. I pulled them off and uploaded them to the Julie gallery too. I have some favorites in there that I thought I … Continue reading

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Picture Dump

I have been really lax in uploading various pictures that I have from different events. I finally got around to getting them uploaded thanks to the connection at work. It takes about 3 minutes a picture at home, but about … Continue reading

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Firmware files for a Digium TE220 with Hardware Echo Cancellation

We recently got a TE220 with onboard Hardware Echo Cancellation from Voipsupply.com for the price gouging cost of $1,150. OCT6114-64D.ima OCT6114-128D.ima I was all excited since we have had lots of reports of echo on our lines and I was … Continue reading

Posted in Asterisk/Trixbox, Geek | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

At Home Update

Hello all, I just thought that I would write in with an update on Julie. She is precious. She is sleeping less during the day and better at night. Occasionally she is cranky for no reason and she prefers to … Continue reading

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Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

I have been uploading tons of pictures of Julie to the gallery. Here are some of my favorites so far. Like I said there are a bunch more there too look at and these are just a few that I … Continue reading

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More progess on the 56 Chevy

I hate to knock the Julie posts out of the top spot, but this is also cool news. Uncle Imon called me tonight and talked for a while about the 56 Chevy and sent some pictures. It looks great and … Continue reading

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We’re Home

We just got home a little bit ago. Pauline and Julie are both doing well. P has snapped back so good that he nurses at the hospital were talking about how she was doing better than other women there that … Continue reading

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Julie Ann Norris is here!

Pauline’s water broke last night and she went to the hospital and had the C-Section. Julie Ann was born around 10:35 last night and weighed in at 8 pounds 4 ounces. She was 20 inches long, with a full head … Continue reading

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