Julie’s 2nd Winter

It has been a bit since I posted pictures of Julie so I thought I would link these up here.  Most of these are just random pictures of her.
These two are just her playing with a pair of glasses off of one of Pauline’s bears.
Blankie Cape time
These were taken as we were getting ready to head to the farm.
Our breakfast nook.
This was after we had converted her crib into a “Big Girl Bed”

This one is a picture of her wanting to look at her Grandma’s collectables.  It is funny because her Grandpa always talks about having a similar experience when he was at the farm.

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Financial Ballout vs Car Maker Bailout… Ready… Fight!

It is amazing to me the difference between the car maker request for money and the banks request for money.  The difference in the amount of money is the first thing.  The car manufacturing companies are asking for a fraction of the money that the banks are getting, but they employ far more people.  It truly is a case of bikeshedding to a fairly high degree. I have to admit that congress did ask some questions of the bankers when they came before them, but no where near as stiff as they are of the car manufacturers, or at least I didn’t hear about it if they did.   It is amazing.  I also found a little graphic that shows a visual representation of the banker bailout.  it is after the jump.

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Julie’s Halloween and Fall


Just a bunch more pictures of Julie’s time in the leaves and at the park.

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For those that remember history

All I could hear at the end of this is “How many Communists do you know of in the government, Senator McCarthy?”

It is amazing how far we have come to be right back where we were.  Replace the word communist with terrorist and you now have McCarthyism again.

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Julie driving the 56

A couple weekends agao we got some good pictures of Julie at the farm and with the 56.  I thought I would post them up here.


I think the last one is great.  It should be entered into a contest or something, because it could win.

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Teleyapper Web Script

i have been setting up the Teleyapper Nerdvittles Script at work on our Asterisk server and was really surprised that there was no web interface for putting entries into it.  Since they recommended using phpadmin to enter numbers and I knew that would never fly I wrote a little cgi script that would work for it.

You can download it at the bottom of this post.  You should be able to just plop it and proccgi into your /cgi-bin directory on your webserver, take the .txt off of the end of it and edit the block starting at the fourth line.  There you can set the DNS entry for your asterisk server, set the account used to login to mysql, set the password for mysql, and set the database used by teleyapper.

The scipt does require proccgi to work as it is written in shell.  I have attached my copy that is compiled for 32 bit Linux.  If you need it compiled for something else, or just don’t trust me then you can use the above URL to get the source.  It is easy to compile if you have gcc on your box.

Callees CGI Script


**EDIT** After I posted this to a thread on Nerdvittles site, it looks like they might add it into the distribution of Teleyapper.  So that is pretty cool.

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NothingButNets.net and St. Jude Charities

While Pauline and I were watching the Colbert Report the other night he had a guest on speaking about the NothingButNets.net charity and how 10 dollars would deliver a net to people in Africa so that they could sleep without getting bitten by mosquitoes and is an effort to stop the spread of malaria.

Pauline and I decided that was a very worthwhile donation to make since they are a funded charity and all of the donation goes to getting the nets out there.  None of it is used for “administrative” costs.

We also donate to St. Jude Children’s Hospital as well.  It is a hospital near here and there are often times segments on shows talking about all the great work that they do for kids who have awful illnesses.  The amazing thing is that no family at St. Jude has to pay a medical bill and that is truly amazing.

If you have a chance please think about donating something to either or both of these causes.  These charities may not have Bono or P Diddy (or whatever his name is now) talking about them, but they are perhaps better for it in my opinion.

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More on the house

More talking about our house payments and also about a housing project that is going to be coming up near our house.  Don’t jump unless that is what you are interested in.

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JVC GR-DV500U USB Driver

I thought I had already put this up here, but a search didn’t show it.  If you need the USB drivers for it here is a set.


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Dog Days of Summer?

I guess I will attribute the lack of posting here to that.  Things have pretty much just been static around here.  Julie is getting bigger, smarter, more active, but there haven’t been any crazy changes.  She says a few single words every now and then, but she isn’t really talking a bunch yet.

P is getting close to finishing her thesis for her Masters.  I think she is planning on trying to defend it here in a month or so.  I don’t know if I had mentioned it on here yet, but she went back to working everyday right around Julie’s birthday.  Julie has been in daycare with a lady that lives just a bit down the road, and she seems to really like it.

i have just been working around the house a little.  It has been cool the last few days, so I took that chance to trim all the bushes around the house back down to a more normal size.  Some of them are getting big and we are going to have to move a couple of them because there just isn’t any room in the bed anymore.

P and I put down a edging around some of the beds that made them look a little better and should make it a lot easier to keep the grass out of the mulch.

I guess things are just moving along really.

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