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Tag Archives: Color
Hey we got a car 2
P and I purchased a new car yesterday. We got a Chevy Traverse from Havey Ellis Chevy in Columbia. They did a great job of getting the car for us and also for working around a problem with my GM … Continue reading
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Tagged Brent, Chevy, Color, gm, gm card, Harvey Ellis, new car, Traverse
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Obama on Race
This is probably old news to a lot, but I just wanted to say that I thought this was a great speech, that does a really great job of showing a lot of sides of the issue. It also attempts … Continue reading
A wonderful childhood
I just thought that I would write down a few thoughts regarding my childhood and what kind of childhood I hope Julie will have. As a child, my sister and I were always going places. Some of my fondest memories … Continue reading
Iraq tidbits if anyone is interested
I have had the opportunity to correspond over email with an old high school friend who is currently serving in Iraq. Since I am interested in the conditions over there, I have asked him lots of questions. I thought that … Continue reading
Update on the 56 Chevy
I haven’t posted too much on it, because my uncle has been working on having a new house built, but lately he has really been working his butt off on the car. When I was up there last I spent … Continue reading
Conclusive Proof that Bill O’Reilly lies
Man, O’Reilly is just an ass and the fact that his ego is so vast that he cannot even admit that he got this wrong is scary. I wonder if he is really this big of a cock or if … Continue reading
Hey we got a car
P and I made our first purchase as a married couple. Thought everyone might want to see some pictures It is a Chevy HHR. It is a pretty nice car/truck thing. Mom and dad have one too now, though theirs … Continue reading
Terror Alert Level
Original thread from my old forum wrote: Terrorism : The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation. –Jefferson. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a … Continue reading
The New Job and some updates
Sorry to those that are looking for immedate updates. It has taken a few minutes to get time to sit down and put this together. The job is sweet. Lots of cool stuff to mess with and an office that … Continue reading
Happy Birthday 4 Me
So this monday was a pretty good birthday if I must say so myself. Woke up in the morning and found a couple pairs of jeans and a shirt left on my bed by the birthday bunny. Headed to work, … Continue reading